4PSA has adopted a policy for product EOL including the following elements:

Definition of Replacement Product (RP), if applicable

Announcement of Withdrawal from Marketing (WFM) to sales and distribution channels

Determination of Last Customer Ship date (LCS)

Estimated End of Support date (EOS)
Individual customers who may be affected by the Withdrawal from Marketing actions will be contacted by 4PSA or its channel partners. In addition, this web site will list all the products and features that have been withdrawn or have an established End of Support date.
4PSA will provide software support for at least 12 months for all software releases.
Once a product is withdrawn from marketing, the maintenance coverage will continue to be available until the End of Support date. Our customers will be notified at the time of their contract renewal of any maintenance price changes or support level changes. Formal notifications, which will be kept on record, will be sent to all maintenance-paying customers advising them on the EOS dates.