Manage user accounts

You can use the script to perform basic management operations on the user accounts belonging to the 4PSA VoipNow Core system. This script allows you to:

Script usage

Command line:

sh command <login_name> [options]

For the command parameter, you have the following options:

Commands and their effects

--create or -c <login_name>

Creates a new user account

--update or -u <login_name>

Updates an existing user account

--remove or -r <login_name>

Removes an existing user account

--help or -h

Displays the help page

For the options parameters, you have the following choices:

Options and possible values

--level <10|50|100>

10 creates a reseller account 50 creates a client account 100 creates an endpoint account

(Parameter required for creating an account)

--name <string>

Contact name

(Parameter required for creating an account)

--login <login_name>

Control panel login name (Parameter required for creating an account) --password


Control panel password (Parameter required for creating an account)

--parent_login <login_name>

Login name associated with the account where the created child account will be placed

(Parameter required for creation for level not equal with 10)

--email <string>

E-mail address

--company <string>

Company name

--telephone <number>

Phone number

--fax <number>


--address <string>


--city <string>


--state <string>


--pcode <string>

Postal code

--country <string>

Country code

(Parameter required for creating an account)

--language <string>

Interface language

(Parameter required for creating an account)

--phone_language <string>

Phone language

(Parameter required for creating an account)

--billing_plan <string>

Charging plan

--number <number>

The number of the endpoint in the 4PSA VoipNow Core system

(Parameter required for creating an account with level = 100)

--template_id <number>

ID of a template with permissions and limits for the account