Documentation for ChannelMessages

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.
Schema Composition

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
Default namespace
Schema Component Representation
<xs:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" id="ChannelMessages">
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="ChannelData.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="ChannelMessagesInfo.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="../Common.xsd"/>

Global Declarations

Element: AddCallRulesOutGroupRequest

Name AddCallRulesOutGroupRequest
Type channelData:RoutingRuleGroupInfo
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add outgoing routing rules group: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Routing rule name'

<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Client ID for the outgoing routing rule'

<default> common:boolean </default> [0..1]

'Set as default routing group'

<rules> RoutingRuleInfo </rules> [1..*]

'Outgoing routing rules in group'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddCallRulesOutGroupRequest" type=" channelData:RoutingRuleGroupInfo "/>

Element: AddCallRulesOutGroupResponse

Name AddCallRulesOutGroupResponse
Type messagesInfo:UpdateCallRulesOutGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add outgoing routing rules group: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddCallRulesOutGroupResponse" type=" messagesInfo:UpdateCallRulesOutGroupResponseType "/>

Element: AddCallRulesOutRequest

Name AddCallRulesOutRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add group outgoing routing rule: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group ID'

<rules> channelData:RoutingRuleInfo </rules> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddCallRulesOutRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="rules" type=" channelData:RoutingRuleInfo " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: AddCallRulesOutResponse

Name AddCallRulesOutResponse
Type messagesInfo:AddCallRulesOutResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add group outgoing routing rule: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddCallRulesOutResponse" type=" messagesInfo:AddCallRulesOutResponseType "/>

Element: AddChannelGroupRequest

Name AddChannelGroupRequest
Type channelData:ChannelGroupInfo
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add channel group: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Channel group name'

<notes> common:text </notes> [0..1]

'Channel group notes'

<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [0..*]

'Channels for the group'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChannelGroupRequest" type=" channelData:ChannelGroupInfo "/>

Element: AddChannelGroupResponse

Name AddChannelGroupResponse
Type messagesInfo:UpdateChannelGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add channel group: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChannelGroupResponse" type=" messagesInfo:UpdateChannelGroupResponseType "/>

Element: AddChannelRequest

Name AddChannelRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add channel: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<type> xs:string (value comes from list: {'sip'|'dahdi'|'iax'|'enum'}) </type> [0..1]

'Channel type: sip, dahdi, iax, enum. Default value: sip'

Start Choice [1]

'Either of'

<SIP> channelData:SIPChannelInfo </SIP> [0..1]

'SIP channel'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChannelRequest">
<xs:element name="type" default="sip" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="sip"/>
<xs:enumeration value="dahdi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="iax"/>
<xs:enumeration value="enum"/>
<xs:element name="SIP" type=" channelData:SIPChannelInfo " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Dahdi" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="IAX" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Enum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/>

Element: AddChannelResponse

Name AddChannelResponse
Type messagesInfo:UpdateChannelResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add channel: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChannelResponse" type=" messagesInfo:UpdateChannelResponseType "/>

Element: AddPublicNoRequest

Name AddPublicNoRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add public phone numbers: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<publicNo> [1..10]
<phoneNo> common:string </phoneNo> [1]

'Public phone number'

<did> common:string </did> [1]

'DID (Direct Inward Dialing) number'

<location> common:string </location> [0..1]


<cost> common:float </cost> [0..1]

'Monthly amount paid to provider'

<incomingCost> [0..1]

'Incoming calls cost: {cost} money_unit every {interval} seconds'

<cost> common:float </cost> [0..1]
<interval> common:integer </interval> [0..1]
<type> xs:string (value comes from list: {'exclusive'|'stacked'}) </type> [0..1]

'Assignation method: stacked or exclusive'

<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [1]

'Channel ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddPublicNoRequest">
<xs:element name="publicNo" maxOccurs="10">
<xs:extension base=" channelData:PublicNoInfo ">
<xs:element name="channelID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: AddPublicNoResponse

Name AddPublicNoResponse
Type messagesInfo:AddPublicNoResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add public phone numbers: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddPublicNoResponse" type=" messagesInfo:AddPublicNoResponseType "/>

Element: AssignPublicNoRequest

Name AssignPublicNoRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Assign available public phone numbers: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<didID> common:positiveInteger </didID> [1..*]

'Public phone number ID'

Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [1]

'User ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [1]

'User identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AssignPublicNoRequest">
<xs:element name="didID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string "/>

Element: AssignPublicNoResponse

Name AssignPublicNoResponse
Type messagesInfo:AssignPublicNoResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Assign available public phone numbers: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AssignPublicNoResponse" type=" messagesInfo:AssignPublicNoResponseType "/>

Element: DelCallRulesOutGroupRequest

Name DelCallRulesOutGroupRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete outgoing routing rules group request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Outgoing routing rule group ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelCallRulesOutGroupRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelCallRulesOutGroupResponse

Name DelCallRulesOutGroupResponse
Type messagesInfo:DelCallRulesOutGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete outgoing routing rules group response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelCallRulesOutGroupResponse" type=" messagesInfo:DelCallRulesOutGroupResponseType "/>

Element: DelCallRulesOutRequest

Name DelCallRulesOutRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete outgoing routing rules request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<rulesGroupID> common:positiveInteger </rulesGroupID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group ID'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Outgoint routing rule ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelCallRulesOutRequest">
<xs:element name="rulesGroupID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelCallRulesOutResponse

Name DelCallRulesOutResponse
Type messagesInfo:DelCallRulesOutGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete outgoing routing rules response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelCallRulesOutResponse" type=" messagesInfo:DelCallRulesOutGroupResponseType "/>

Element: DelChannelGroupRequest

Name DelChannelGroupRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete channel group request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Channel group ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChannelGroupRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelChannelGroupResponse

Name DelChannelGroupResponse
Type messagesInfo:DelChannelGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete channel group response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChannelGroupResponse" type=" messagesInfo:DelChannelGroupResponseType "/>

Element: DelChannelRequest

Name DelChannelRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete channel: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Channel ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChannelRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelChannelResponse

Name DelChannelResponse
Type messagesInfo:DelChannelResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete channel: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChannelResponse" type=" messagesInfo:DelChannelResponseType "/>

Element: DelPublicNoRequest

Name DelPublicNoRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete public phone number: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Public phone number ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelPublicNoRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelPublicNoResponse

Name DelPublicNoResponse
Type messagesInfo:DelPublicNoResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete public phone numbers: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelPublicNoResponse" type=" messagesInfo:DelPublicNoResponseType "/>

Element: EditCallRulesOutGroupRequest

Name EditCallRulesOutGroupRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit outgoing routing rules group (modify group name, status, change rules order, modify status for group rules) request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group ID'

<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group name'

<status> common:boolean </status> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group status'

<ruleStatus> [0..*]

'Rule status'

<ruleID> common:positiveInteger </ruleID> [1]

'Outgoing routing rule ID'

<status> common:boolean </status> [1]

'Outgoing routing rule status'

<changeOrder> common:positiveInteger </changeOrder> [0..*]

'New order for the routing rules'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditCallRulesOutGroupRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="name" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="status" type=" common:boolean " default="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ruleStatus" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="ruleID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="status" type=" common:boolean " default="1"/>
<xs:element name="changeOrder" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: EditCallRulesOutGroupResponse

Name EditCallRulesOutGroupResponse
Type messagesInfo:UpdateCallRulesOutGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit outgoing routing rules group (modify group name, status, change rules order, modify status for group rules) response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditCallRulesOutGroupResponse" type=" messagesInfo:UpdateCallRulesOutGroupResponseType "/>

Element: EditChannelGroupRequest

Name EditChannelGroupRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit channel group: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Channel group name'

<notes> common:text </notes> [0..1]

'Channel group notes'

<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [0..*]

'Channels for the group'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1]

'Channel group ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChannelGroupRequest">
<xs:extension base=" channelData:ChannelGroupInfo ">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: EditChannelGroupResponse

Name EditChannelGroupResponse
Type messagesInfo:UpdateChannelGroupResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit channel group: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChannelGroupResponse" type=" messagesInfo:UpdateChannelGroupResponseType "/>

Element: EditChannelRequest

Name EditChannelRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit channel: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1]

'Channel ID'

Start Choice [1]

'Either of'

<SIP> channelData:SIPChannelInfo </SIP> [0..1]

'SIP channel'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChannelRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="SIP" type=" channelData:SIPChannelInfo " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="Dahdi" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="IAX" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0"/>

Element: EditChannelResponse

Name EditChannelResponse
Type messagesInfo:UpdateChannelResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit channel: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChannelResponse" type=" messagesInfo:UpdateChannelResponseType "/>

Element: EditPublicNoRequest

Name EditPublicNoRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit public phone number: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<phoneNo> common:string </phoneNo> [1]

'Public phone number'

<did> common:string </did> [1]

'DID (Direct Inward Dialing) number'

<location> common:string </location> [0..1]


<cost> common:float </cost> [0..1]

'Monthly amount paid to provider'

<incomingCost> [0..1]

'Incoming calls cost: {cost} money_unit every {interval} seconds'

<cost> common:float </cost> [0..1]
<interval> common:integer </interval> [0..1]
<type> xs:string (value comes from list: {'exclusive'|'stacked'}) </type> [0..1]

'Assignation method: stacked or exclusive'

<didID> common:positiveInteger </didID> [1]

'Public phone number ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditPublicNoRequest">
<xs:extension base=" channelData:PublicNoInfo ">
<xs:element name="didID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: EditPublicNoResponse

Name EditPublicNoResponse
Type messagesInfo:EditPublicNoResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit public phone number: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditPublicNoResponse" type=" messagesInfo:EditPublicNoResponseType "/>

Element: GetCallRulesOutGroupRequest

Name GetCallRulesOutGroupRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get outgoing routing rules group request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Routing rules group owner ID'

<status> common:boolean </status> [0..1]

'1: enabled groups, 0: all groups. Default value: 0.'

<filter> common:string </filter> [0..1]

'Filter outgoing call rules list by name'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetCallRulesOutGroupRequest">
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="status" type=" common:boolean " default="0" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="filter" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetCallRulesOutGroupResponse

Name GetCallRulesOutGroupResponse
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get outgoing routing rules group response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [1]

'User ID'

<rulesGroup> channelData:CallRulesOutGroupList </rulesGroup> [0..*]
<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetCallRulesOutGroupResponse">

Element: GetCallRulesOutRequest

Name GetCallRulesOutRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get outgoing routing rule in a certain group request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetCallRulesOutRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetCallRulesOutResponse

Name GetCallRulesOutResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetCallRulesOutResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get outgoing routing rule in a certain group response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rules group ID'

<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rule group name'

<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rule group owner ID'

<rules> [0..*]
<action> xs:string (value comes from list: {'block'|'transfer'|'process'|'portability'}) </action> [0..1]

'Action: \'block\', \'transfer\', \'process\', \'portability\'. Default block'

<engine> common:string </engine> [0..1]

'Portability engine'

<number> xs:string (pattern = [*XZN\-\.\[\]\d]+) (Whitespace policy: collapse) </number> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [0..1]

'Time interval ID'

<comingFrom> xs:string (pattern = [0-9\*\.]+) (Whitespace policy: collapse) </comingFrom> [0..1]
<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [0..1]

'Channel ID. Default: Best cost'

<prefixOperation> xs:string (value comes from list: {'prefix'|'replace'|'add'|'substract'}) </prefixOperation> [0..1]

'Prefix operation, required just for {action: transfer, process}: \'prefix\',\'replace\',\'add\' or \'substract\'. Default prefix'

<prefix> xs:decimal </prefix> [0..1]

'Required for prefixOperation:replace, prefix.'

<digits> common:integer </digits> [0..1]

'For prefixOperation:substract only'

<digitsAfter> common:integer </digitsAfter> [0..1]

'For prefixOperation:substract only'

<numberAdd> common:integer </numberAdd> [0..1]

'For prefixOperation:add only'

<digitsAfterAdd> xs:decimal </digitsAfterAdd> [0..1]

'For prefixOperation:add only'

<final> common:boolean </final> [0..1]

'Final transfer rule'

<position> common:unsignedInt </position> [0..1]

'Default: first position'

<ruleID> common:positiveInteger </ruleID> [1]

'Outgoing routing rule ID'

<status> common:boolean </status> [1]

'Outgoing routing rule status'

<notice> [0..*]
<message> common:text </message> [0..1]
<code> common:text </code> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetCallRulesOutResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetCallRulesOutResponseType "/>

Element: GetChannelGroupPollRequest

Name GetChannelGroupPollRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get channel available and assigned groups: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [1]

'Channel ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChannelGroupPollRequest">
<xs:element name="channelID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: GetChannelGroupPollResponse

Name GetChannelGroupPollResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetGroupSelectionResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get channel available and assigned channnel groups:response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<channelGroup> channelData:ChannelGroupSelection </channelGroup> [1]

'A list with available and assigned channel groups on success'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChannelGroupPollResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetGroupSelectionResponseType "/>

Element: GetChannelGroupsRequest

Name GetChannelGroupsRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get channel groups request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [0..1]

'Channel ID'

<filter> common:string </filter> [0..1]

'Filter channel group list by name or channel name'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChannelGroupsRequest">
<xs:element name="channelID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="filter" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetChannelGroupsResponse

Name GetChannelGroupsResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetChannelGroupsResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get channel groups response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<group> channelData:ChannelGroupList </group> [0..*]

'Channel groups list on success'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChannelGroupsResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetChannelGroupsResponseType "/>

Element: GetChannelsRequest

Name GetChannelsRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get channels: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<groupID> common:positiveInteger </groupID> [0..1]

'Channel group ID'

<enabled> common:boolean </enabled> [0..1]

'1: only enabled channels, 2: disabled channels, 0: all channels. Default: all'

<flow> xs:string (value comes from list: {'in'|'out'|'both'}) </flow> [0..1]

'Channel capabilities. Default both.'

<filter> common:string </filter> [0..1]

'Filter channels list by name, login, hostname or channel group name.'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChannelsRequest">
<xs:element name="groupID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="enabled" type=" common:boolean " default="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="flow" default="both" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="in"/>
<xs:enumeration value="out"/>
<xs:enumeration value="both"/>
<xs:element name="filter" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetChannelsResponse

Name GetChannelsResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetChannelsResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get channels: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<channel> channelData:ChannelList </channel> [0..*]

'Channel data'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChannelsResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetChannelsResponseType "/>

Element: GetCodecsRequest

Name GetCodecsRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get the available codecs for channel setup: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [0..1]

'Channel ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetCodecsRequest">
<xs:element name="channelID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetCodecsResponse

Name GetCodecsResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetCodecsResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get the available codecs: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<codecs> [0..1]

'Codecs list'

<assigned> channelData:Codecs </assigned> [0..*]

'Channel codecs'

<available> channelData:Codecs </available> [0..*]

'Available codecs'

<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [0..1]

'Channel ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetCodecsResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetCodecsResponseType "/>

Element: GetPublicNoPollRequest

Name GetPublicNoPollRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get user available and assigned public phone numbers: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [1]

'User ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [1]

'User identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetPublicNoPollRequest">
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string "/>

Element: GetPublicNoPollResponse

Name GetPublicNoPollResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetNoSelectionResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get user available and assigned public phone numbers: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<publicNo> channelData:PublicNoSelection </publicNo> [1]

'Available and assigned public phone numbers'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetPublicNoPollResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetNoSelectionResponseType "/>

Element: GetPublicNoRequest

Name GetPublicNoRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get public phone numbers: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<channelID> common:positiveInteger </channelID> [1]

'Channel ID'

<inUse> common:boolean </inUse> [0..1]

'Usage filter. For unset numbers: 1'

<type> xs:string (value comes from list: {'exclusive'|'stacked'}) </type> [0..1]

'Assignation method: \'stacked\' or \'exclusive\'.'

<filter> common:string </filter> [0..1]

'Filter public number list by external number, DID or callback extension'

Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Client that uses the public phone number'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [0..1]

'Client (identifier) that uses the public phone number'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetPublicNoRequest">
<xs:element name="channelID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="inUse" type=" common:boolean " default="0" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="exclusive"/>
<xs:enumeration value="stacked"/>
<xs:element name="filter" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetPublicNoResponse

Name GetPublicNoResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetPublicNoResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get public phone numbers: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<publicNo> channelData:PublicNoList </publicNo> [0..*]
<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetPublicNoResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetPublicNoResponseType "/>

Element: UnassignPublicNoRequest

Name UnassignPublicNoRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Unassign available public phone numbers: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<didID> common:positiveInteger </didID> [1..*]

'Public phone number ID'

Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [1]

'User ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [1]

'User identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="UnassignPublicNoRequest">
<xs:element name="didID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string "/>

Element: UnassignPublicNoResponse

Name UnassignPublicNoResponse
Type messagesInfo:AssignPublicNoResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Unassign available public phone numbers: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="UnassignPublicNoResponse" type=" messagesInfo:AssignPublicNoResponseType "/>