Documentation for BillingMessages

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.
Schema Composition

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
Default namespace
Schema Component Representation
<xs:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" id="BillingMessages">
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="BillingData.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="BillingMessagesInfo.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="../Common.xsd"/>

Global Declarations

Element: AddChargingPackageRequest

Name AddChargingPackageRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add free minutes package: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Package name'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [0..1]

'Included minutes'

<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Chraging plan ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChargingPackageRequest">
<xs:extension base=" BillingData:ChargingPackage ">
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: AddChargingPackageResponse

Name AddChargingPackageResponse
Type common:updateObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add free minutes package: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChargingPackageResponse" type=" common:updateObject "/>

Element: AddChargingPlanRequest

Name AddChargingPlanRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add charging plan: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [1]

'Charging plan name'

<default> common:boolean </default> [0..1]

'Set default charging plan'

<channelRuleID> common:positiveInteger </channelRuleID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rule'

<allowIn> common:boolean </allowIn> [0..1]

'Allow incoming calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<allowOut> common:boolean </allowOut> [0..1]

'Allow outgoing external calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<allowExtended> common:boolean </allowExtended> [0..1]

'Allow outgoing extended local calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<planType> common:string </planType> [0..1]

'Charging plan type: prepaid or postpaid. Default prepaid.'

<includedCreditOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </includedCreditOut> [0..1]

'Limit for external outgoing calls'

<includedCreditIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </includedCreditIn> [0..1]

'Limit for external incoming calls'

<externalUsageRule> [0..1]

'External outgoing over usage: {mulFactor} x {externalMin} included outgoing minutes + {addFactor} minutes'

<mulFactor> common:integer </mulFactor> [1]
<addFactor> common:integer </addFactor> [1]
<externalMin> [0..*]

'Available outgoing external minutes: {minutes} in time interval {intervalID}'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [1]
<initialCreditOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </initialCreditOut> [0..1]

'Initial outgoing credit'

<initialCreditIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </initialCreditIn> [0..1]

'Initial incoming credit'

<chargeOut> common:integer </chargeOut> [0..1]

'Charge outgoing indivisible for the first {chargeOut} seconds. Default: 60 seconds.'

<thenChargeOut> common:integer </thenChargeOut> [0..1]

'Then charge every {thenChargeOut} seconds. Default: 10 seconds.'

<chargeIn> common:integer </chargeIn> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming indivisible for the first {chargeIn} seconds. Default: 60 seconds.'

<thenChargeIn> common:integer </thenChargeIn> [0..1]

'Then charge every {thenChargeIn} seconds. Default: 10 seconds.'

<chargeMethod> xs:string (value comes from list: {'fixed'|'inherit'}) </chargeMethod> [0..1]

'Charge method. Default value: fixed.'

Start Choice [1]

'Either of'

<fixedCharge> [0..1]

'Fixed prices charge method. Send only if {chargeMethod} value is fixed'

<directCalls> xs:float </directCalls> [0..1]

'Charge direct calls'

<external> [0..*]

'Charge external outgoing calls : {charge} /second in time interval {intervalId}'

<charge> xs:float </charge> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [1]
<externalIncoming> xs:float </externalIncoming> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming calls'

<outsideInterval> xs:float </outsideInterval> [0..1]

'External charge outside time intervals'

<inheritedCharge> [0..1]

'Relative to call cost charge method. Send only if {chargeMethod} value is inherited'

<directCalls> [0..1]

'Charge direct calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
<external> [0..1]

'Charge external outgoing calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
<externalIncoming> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
End Choice
<soundID> common:positiveInteger </soundID> [0..1]

'Custom sound file played when outgoing access is blocked'

Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Charging plan owner ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [0..1]

'Charging plan owner identifier'

<userLogin> common:string </userLogin> [0..1]

'Charging plan owner login'

End Choice
<forceChannelRule> common:boolean </forceChannelRule> [0..1]

'Create charging plan with default outgoing routing rules group if channelRuleID is not valid'

<exception> [0..*]

'Destination exceptions'

<areaCode> common:string </areaCode> [0..1]

'Area code'

<description> common:string </description> [0..1]
<charge> [0..1]
<initialAmount> xs:float </initialAmount> [0..1]

'For fixed charging plans ONLY'

<initialInterval> common:integer </initialInterval> [0..1]

'For fixed charging plans ONLY'

<amount> xs:float </amount> [1]
<interval> common:integer </interval> [1]
<setupAmount> xs:float </setupAmount> [0..1]

'For inherited charging plans ONLY'

<package> [0..1]

'Free minutes package'

<name> common:string </name> [1]
<minutes> xs:float </minutes> [1]
<scope> common:string </scope> [0..1]

'Scope identifier for the enrollment server. Scope:automation is reserved for VoipNow Automation'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChargingPlanRequest">
<xs:extension base=" BillingData:ChargingPlanInfo ">
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userLogin" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="forceChannelRule" type=" common:boolean " default="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="exception" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="areaCode" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="description" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="charge" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="initialAmount" type=" xs:float " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="initialInterval" type=" common:integer " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="amount" type=" xs:float "/>
<xs:element name="interval" type=" common:integer "/>
<xs:element name="setupAmount" type=" xs:float " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="package" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="name" type=" common:string "/>
<xs:element name="minutes" type=" xs:float "/>
<xs:element name="scope" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: AddChargingPlanResponse

Name AddChargingPlanResponse
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add charging plan: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
<identifier> common:string </identifier> [0..1]

'Unique client identifier'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddChargingPlanResponse">
<xs:extension base=" common:updateObject ">
<xs:element name="identifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: AddDestinationExceptionRequest

Name AddDestinationExceptionRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add destination exception charge: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<exception> BillingData:DestinationException </exception> [1..*]
<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddDestinationExceptionRequest">
<xs:element name="exception" type=" BillingData:DestinationException " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: AddDestinationExceptionResponse

Name AddDestinationExceptionResponse
Type common:updateObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add destination exception charge: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="AddDestinationExceptionResponse" type=" common:updateObject "/>

Element: DelChargingPackageRequest

Name DelChargingPackageRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Remove free minutes package: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Free minutes package ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChargingPackageRequest">
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelChargingPackageResponse

Name DelChargingPackageResponse
Type common:delObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Remove free minutes package: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChargingPackageResponse" type=" common:delObject "/>

Element: DelChargingPlanRequest

Name DelChargingPlanRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete charging plans: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<timeIntervalRemoval> common:boolean </timeIntervalRemoval> [0..1]

'Remove also time intervals used by this charging plan'

Start Choice [1]
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Charging plan ID'

<identifier> common:string </identifier> [1..*]

'Charging plan identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChargingPlanRequest">
<xs:element name="timeIntervalRemoval" type=" common:boolean " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="identifier" type=" common:string " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelChargingPlanResponse

Name DelChargingPlanResponse
Type common:delObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete charging plans: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelChargingPlanResponse" type=" common:delObject "/>

Element: DelDestinationExceptionRequest

Name DelDestinationExceptionRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Remove destination exception charge: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1..*]

'Destination exception charge'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelDestinationExceptionRequest">
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Element: DelDestinationExceptionResponse

Name DelDestinationExceptionResponse
Type common:delObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Remove destination exception charge: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelDestinationExceptionResponse" type=" common:delObject "/>

Element: DelMonthlyLimitRequest

Name DelMonthlyLimitRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete recharge monthly limit: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [1]

'User ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [1]

'User identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelMonthlyLimitRequest">
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string "/>

Element: DelMonthlyLimitResponse

Name DelMonthlyLimitResponse
Type common:delObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Delete recharge monthly limit: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<items> xs:integer </items> [0..1]

'Number of affected items'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="DelMonthlyLimitResponse" type=" common:delObject "/>

Element: EditChargingPackageRequest

Name EditChargingPackageRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit free minutes package: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Package name'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [0..1]

'Included minutes'

<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Chraging plan ID'

<chargingPackageID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPackageID> [1]

'Free minutes package ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChargingPackageRequest">
<xs:extension base=" BillingData:ChargingPackage ">
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="chargingPackageID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: EditChargingPackageResponse

Name EditChargingPackageResponse
Type common:updateObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit free minutes package: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChargingPackageResponse" type=" common:updateObject "/>

Element: EditChargingPlanRequest

Name EditChargingPlanRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit charging plan: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<name> common:string </name> [1]

'Charging plan name'

<default> common:boolean </default> [0..1]

'Set default charging plan'

<channelRuleID> common:positiveInteger </channelRuleID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rule'

<allowIn> common:boolean </allowIn> [0..1]

'Allow incoming calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<allowOut> common:boolean </allowOut> [0..1]

'Allow outgoing external calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<allowExtended> common:boolean </allowExtended> [0..1]

'Allow outgoing extended local calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<planType> common:string </planType> [0..1]

'Charging plan type: prepaid or postpaid. Default prepaid.'

<includedCreditOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </includedCreditOut> [0..1]

'Limit for external outgoing calls'

<includedCreditIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </includedCreditIn> [0..1]

'Limit for external incoming calls'

<externalUsageRule> [0..1]

'External outgoing over usage: {mulFactor} x {externalMin} included outgoing minutes + {addFactor} minutes'

<mulFactor> common:integer </mulFactor> [1]
<addFactor> common:integer </addFactor> [1]
<externalMin> [0..*]

'Available outgoing external minutes: {minutes} in time interval {intervalID}'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [1]
<initialCreditOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </initialCreditOut> [0..1]

'Initial outgoing credit'

<initialCreditIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </initialCreditIn> [0..1]

'Initial incoming credit'

<chargeOut> common:integer </chargeOut> [0..1]

'Charge outgoing indivisible for the first {chargeOut} seconds. Default: 60 seconds.'

<thenChargeOut> common:integer </thenChargeOut> [0..1]

'Then charge every {thenChargeOut} seconds. Default: 10 seconds.'

<chargeIn> common:integer </chargeIn> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming indivisible for the first {chargeIn} seconds. Default: 60 seconds.'

<thenChargeIn> common:integer </thenChargeIn> [0..1]

'Then charge every {thenChargeIn} seconds. Default: 10 seconds.'

<chargeMethod> xs:string (value comes from list: {'fixed'|'inherit'}) </chargeMethod> [0..1]

'Charge method. Default value: fixed.'

Start Choice [1]

'Either of'

<fixedCharge> [0..1]

'Fixed prices charge method. Send only if {chargeMethod} value is fixed'

<directCalls> xs:float </directCalls> [0..1]

'Charge direct calls'

<external> [0..*]

'Charge external outgoing calls : {charge} /second in time interval {intervalId}'

<charge> xs:float </charge> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [1]
<externalIncoming> xs:float </externalIncoming> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming calls'

<outsideInterval> xs:float </outsideInterval> [0..1]

'External charge outside time intervals'

<inheritedCharge> [0..1]

'Relative to call cost charge method. Send only if {chargeMethod} value is inherited'

<directCalls> [0..1]

'Charge direct calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
<external> [0..1]

'Charge external outgoing calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
<externalIncoming> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
End Choice
<soundID> common:positiveInteger </soundID> [0..1]

'Custom sound file played when outgoing access is blocked'

Start Choice [1]
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<identifier> ... </identifier> [1]

'Charging plan identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChargingPlanRequest">
<xs:extension base=" BillingData:ChargingPlanInfo ">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="identifier"/>

Element: EditChargingPlanResponse

Name EditChargingPlanResponse
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit charging plan: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
<identifier> common:string </identifier> [0..1]

'Unique client identifier'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditChargingPlanResponse">
<xs:extension base=" common:updateObject ">
<xs:element name="identifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: EditDestinationExceptionRequest

Name EditDestinationExceptionRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit destination exception charge: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<areaCode> common:string </areaCode> [0..1]

'Area code'

<description> common:string </description> [0..1]
<charge> [0..1]
<initialAmount> xs:float </initialAmount> [0..1]

'For fixed charging plans ONLY'

<initialInterval> common:integer </initialInterval> [0..1]

'For fixed charging plans ONLY'

<amount> xs:float </amount> [0..1]
<interval> common:integer </interval> [0..1]
<setupAmount> xs:float </setupAmount> [0..1]

'For inherited charging plans ONLY'

<chargingPackageID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPackageID> [0..1]

'Free minutes package ID'

<exceptionID> common:positiveInteger </exceptionID> [1]

'Destination exception charge ID'

<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditDestinationExceptionRequest">
<xs:extension base=" BillingData:DestinationException ">
<xs:element name="exceptionID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>

Element: EditDestinationExceptionResponse

Name EditDestinationExceptionResponse
Type common:updateObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Edit destination exception charge: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="EditDestinationExceptionResponse" type=" common:updateObject "/>

Element: GetChargingPackagesRequest

Name GetChargingPackagesRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get free minutes packages: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlanID> ... </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<filter> ... </filter> [0..1]

'Filter destination exception charges list after areaCode, description'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChargingPackagesRequest">
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID"/>
<xs:element name="filter" minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetChargingPackagesResponse

Name GetChargingPackagesResponse
Type BillingData:ChargingPackageList
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get free minutes packages: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<package> [0..*]

'Free minutes package list'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1]

'Free minutes package ID'

<name> common:string </name> [0..1]

'Package name'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [0..1]

'Included minutes'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChargingPackagesResponse" type=" BillingData:ChargingPackageList "/>

Element: GetChargingPlanDetailsRequest

Name GetChargingPlanDetailsRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get charging plan details: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [0..1]

'Charging plan ID'

<identifier> common:string </identifier> [0..1]

'Charging plan identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChargingPlanDetailsRequest">
<xs:element name="ID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="identifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetChargingPlanDetailsResponse

Name GetChargingPlanDetailsResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetChargingPlanDetailsResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get charging plan details: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlan> [0..1]

'A charging plans list on success'

<name> common:string </name> [1]

'Charging plan name'

<default> common:boolean </default> [0..1]

'Set default charging plan'

<channelRuleID> common:positiveInteger </channelRuleID> [0..1]

'Outgoing routing rule'

<allowIn> common:boolean </allowIn> [0..1]

'Allow incoming calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<allowOut> common:boolean </allowOut> [0..1]

'Allow outgoing external calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<allowExtended> common:boolean </allowExtended> [0..1]

'Allow outgoing extended local calls. Default value: 0 on add operation'

<planType> common:string </planType> [0..1]

'Charging plan type: prepaid or postpaid. Default prepaid.'

<includedCreditOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </includedCreditOut> [0..1]

'Limit for external outgoing calls'

<includedCreditIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </includedCreditIn> [0..1]

'Limit for external incoming calls'

<externalUsageRule> [0..1]

'External outgoing over usage: {mulFactor} x {externalMin} included outgoing minutes + {addFactor} minutes'

<mulFactor> common:integer </mulFactor> [1]
<addFactor> common:integer </addFactor> [1]
<externalMin> [0..*]

'Available outgoing external minutes: {minutes} in time interval {intervalID}'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [1]
<initialCreditOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </initialCreditOut> [0..1]

'Initial outgoing credit'

<initialCreditIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </initialCreditIn> [0..1]

'Initial incoming credit'

<chargeOut> common:integer </chargeOut> [0..1]

'Charge outgoing indivisible for the first {chargeOut} seconds. Default: 60 seconds.'

<thenChargeOut> common:integer </thenChargeOut> [0..1]

'Then charge every {thenChargeOut} seconds. Default: 10 seconds.'

<chargeIn> common:integer </chargeIn> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming indivisible for the first {chargeIn} seconds. Default: 60 seconds.'

<thenChargeIn> common:integer </thenChargeIn> [0..1]

'Then charge every {thenChargeIn} seconds. Default: 10 seconds.'

<chargeMethod> xs:string (value comes from list: {'fixed'|'inherit'}) </chargeMethod> [0..1]

'Charge method. Default value: fixed.'

Start Choice [1]

'Either of'

<fixedCharge> [0..1]

'Fixed prices charge method. Send only if {chargeMethod} value is fixed'

<directCalls> xs:float </directCalls> [0..1]

'Charge direct calls'

<external> [0..*]

'Charge external outgoing calls : {charge} /second in time interval {intervalId}'

<charge> xs:float </charge> [1]
<intervalID> common:positiveInteger </intervalID> [1]
<externalIncoming> xs:float </externalIncoming> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming calls'

<outsideInterval> xs:float </outsideInterval> [0..1]

'External charge outside time intervals'

<inheritedCharge> [0..1]

'Relative to call cost charge method. Send only if {chargeMethod} value is inherited'

<directCalls> [0..1]

'Charge direct calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
<external> [0..1]

'Charge external outgoing calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
<externalIncoming> [0..1]

'Charge external incoming calls: {mulFactor} x call cost + {adjustment} /second'

<mulFactor> xs:float </mulFactor> [1]
<adjustment> xs:float </adjustment> [1]
End Choice
<soundID> common:positiveInteger </soundID> [0..1]

'Custom sound file played when outgoing access is blocked'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [0..1]

'Charging plan ID'

<identifier> common:string </identifier> [0..1]

'Charging plan identifier'

<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Charging plan owner ID'

<status> common:boolean </status> [0..1]

'Charging plan status'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChargingPlanDetailsResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetChargingPlanDetailsResponseType "/>

Element: GetChargingPlansRequest

Name GetChargingPlansRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get charging plans: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<default> common:boolean </default> [0..1]

'Set to filter default charging plan'

<filter> common:string </filter> [0..1]

'Filter charging plan list by charging plan name. Ignored when default filter in on.'

<scope> common:string </scope> [0..1]

'Scope identifier for the enrollment server. Scope:automation is reserved for VoipNow Automation'

Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'Charging plan owner ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [0..1]

'Charging plan owner identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChargingPlansRequest">
<xs:element name="default" type=" common:boolean " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="filter" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="scope" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetChargingPlansResponse

Name GetChargingPlansResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetChargingPlanResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get charging plans: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlan> BillingData:ChargingPlanList </chargingPlan> [0..*]

'A charging plans list on success'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetChargingPlansResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetChargingPlanResponseType "/>

Element: GetDestinationExceptionsRequest

Name GetDestinationExceptionsRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get destination exception charges: request.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlanID> ... </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<filter> ... </filter> [0..1]

'Filter destination exception charges list after areaCode, description'

Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetDestinationExceptionsRequest">
<xs:element name="chargingPlanID"/>
<xs:element name="filter" minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetDestinationExceptionsResponse

Name GetDestinationExceptionsResponse
Type BillingData:DestinationExceptionList
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get destination exception charges: response.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<chargingPlanID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPlanID> [1]

'Charging plan ID'

<exception> [0..*]

'Destination exception charge'

<ID> common:positiveInteger </ID> [1]

'Destination exception charge ID'

<areaCode> common:string </areaCode> [1]

'Area code'

<minutes> common:integer </minutes> [0..1]

'Included free minutes'

<description> common:string </description> [0..1]
<initialAmount> xs:float </initialAmount> [0..1]
<initialInterval> common:integer </initialInterval> [0..1]
<amount> xs:float </amount> [0..1]
<interval> common:integer </interval> [0..1]
<chargingPackageID> common:positiveInteger </chargingPackageID> [0..1]

'Free minutes package ID'

<chargingPackage> common:string </chargingPackage> [0..1]

'Free minutes package name'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetDestinationExceptionsResponse" type=" BillingData:DestinationExceptionList "/>

Element: GetRechargesRequest

Name GetRechargesRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get user list of charging limits/credits: request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [0..1]

'User ID'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [0..1]

'User identifier'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetRechargesRequest">
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string " minOccurs="0"/>

Element: GetRechargesResponse

Name GetRechargesResponse
Type messagesInfo:GetRechargesResponseType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Get user list of charging limits/credits: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<credit> [0..*]
<!-- ' Credits ' super type was not found in this schema. Some elements and attributes may be missing. -->
<creditID> common:positiveInteger </creditID> [1]

'Billling plan credit ID'

<crDate> xs:dateTime </crDate> [0..1]

'Creation date'

<limit> BillingData:LimitsList </limit> [0..*]
End Choice
<planType> xs:string (value comes from list: {'prepaid'|'postpaid'}) </planType> [0..1]

'Charging plan type'

<currentIn> common:unlimitedUFloat </currentIn> [0..1]

'Currently incoming credit/limit left'

<currentOut> common:unlimitedUFloat </currentOut> [0..1]

'Currently outgoing credit/limit left'

<currentOverusage> common:unlimitedUFloat </currentOverusage> [0..1]

'Currently overusage minutes left'

<notice> common:notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="GetRechargesResponse" type=" messagesInfo:GetRechargesResponseType "/>

Element: RechargeRequest

Name RechargeRequest
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add charging limits/credits to charging plan:request
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]

'Either of'

<limit> BillingData:Limits </limit> [1]

'Charging plan limit definition: for postpaid charging plan'

<credit> BillingData:Credits </credit> [1]

'Charging plan credit definiton: for prepaid charging plan'

End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<userID> common:positiveInteger </userID> [1]

'User for which the recharge is made'

<userIdentifier> common:string </userIdentifier> [1]

'User for which the recharge is made'

End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="RechargeRequest">
<xs:element name="limit" type=" BillingData:Limits "/>
<xs:element name="credit" type=" BillingData:Credits "/>
<xs:element name="userID" type=" common:positiveInteger "/>
<xs:element name="userIdentifier" type=" common:string "/>

Element: RechargeResponse

Name RechargeResponse
Type common:updateObject
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Add charging limits/credits to charging plan: response
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
<ID> positiveInteger </ID> [0..10]

'Object ID'

<result> xs:string (value comes from list: {'success'|'partial'|'failure'}) </result> [0..1]

'Operation result'

<notice> notice </notice> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="RechargeResponse" type=" common:updateObject "/>